Rocko1 Posts: 591
Did a short hike to the wind caves this weekend. Were a few campers out in this area when we arrived at 7am. Hiked up to peak 1662 via the wind cave trail that follows the wash for a ways. Flowers are starting to bloom. Another week or so out to be great.
On the way up towards 1662
Great views from here
Register on 1662. About a signature every few weeks.
Lot of scallop fossils. Saw some broken silver dollars and snails as well. Walrus and Camelid fossils were found here according to the trailhead information.
Interesting caves all over. Could spend a lot of time around here.
The main dome had many caves and the large one could house a few people easily. Plenty of smaller caves you could cowboy camp in easily.
View to the west
Very healthy cacti
Wife and I drank some coffee near the peak and decided to save the loop-through the slot canyons- for another outing, backpacking maybe. I have never been to this area and was impressed.
Trash retrieved- Balloon: 0 Slightly used extinguisher: 1 Beverage: 1
edited by Rocko1 on 4/20/2020
Brian Posts: 221
Nice pics. My first trip to Domelands was before they had the sign at the turnoff. I mistakenly took a road that was maybe a quarter mile S of the correct one and promptly got stuck in the sand. That was about the time I started to seriously consider that I needed a car with AWD if I was going to continue doing the desert thing.
Rocko1 Posts: 591
Brian wrote:
Nice pics. My first trip to Domelands was before they had the sign at the turnoff. I mistakenly took a road that was maybe a quarter mile S of the correct one and promptly got stuck in the sand. That was about the time I started to seriously consider that I needed a car with AWD if I was going to continue doing the desert thing.
That stinks. Tacoma truck is on my wishlist. The road in is in very good shape. Any 2wd sedan could make it.
tommy750 Posts: 1041
Nice TR Rocko1. Lots of neat places to explore out there.
Rocko1 Posts: 591
tommy750 wrote:
Nice TR Rocko1. Lots of neat places to explore out there. There really is. Great place to break into cowboy camping. I counted about 20 caves suitable for 1 person and many for 2 people.
It is dry out here. I don't think there is any chance of finding a spring in this area.
ziphius Posts: 911
Nice trip report, envious.
Rocko1 Posts: 591
ziphius wrote:
Nice trip report, envious.
Thanks. It was more crowded-and by that we passed 4 groups on the way back-saw none first half-for my liking-but beggars can't be choosers. You could get off the trail though and really get away easily. So many little/big side canyons, whatever you like.
dsefcik Administrator Posts: 2617
Nice...I really like the fossil and flower pics. I have never been to those caves...been close many times but never actually gone to them...
tommy750 Posts: 1041
Rocko1, here's a petroglyph you walked right by on the way to the wind caves. Looks like another petroglyph down in Pinto Canyon a little ways to the south. The ruler is being held by Jeff Sagun, BLM archaeologist, who called it a tortoise. Not aware of any water source in the Coyotes except maybe a few tinajas. Definitely a lot of slots, mining stuff, fossils and amazing scenery out there.
Tortoise Petroglyphs (2018_09_25 07_05_23 UTC) by tomteske, on Flickr
Rocko1 Posts: 591
tommy750 wrote:
Rocko1, here's a petroglyph you walked right by on the way to the wind caves. Looks like another petroglyph down in Pinto Canyon a little ways to the south. The ruler is being held by Jeff Sagun, BLM archaeologist, who called it a tortoise. Not aware of any water source in the Coyotes except maybe a few tinajas. Definitely a lot of slots, mining stuff, fossils and amazing scenery out there. Tortoise Petroglyphs (2018_09_25 07_05_23 UTC) by tomteske, on Flickr
Dang, that is really cool. I really need to spend more time out there edited by Rocko1 on 4/22/2020
tekewin Posts: 366
Excellent! Love the flowers. I hope to visit some day.