Latest flower reports from Anza Borrego.
The Mother of all websites on ABDSP Wild Flowers
hikerdmb Posts: 423
My buddy sent me this link today. If you want to know about the wild flowers in ABDSP then check out this link. This guy has done a tremendous amount of work compiling the data you will see. It is amazing. Rainfall totals, photos, trip reports, and more!
lindaally Posts: 4
Should be one of the best years for wildflowers with all the rain...I'm curious to know how many rare or endangered plants live in the Anza Borrego State Park....and does the Ocotillo grow elsewhere?? Thanks.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Welcome to the forum Ocotillo are found in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts of southeast California to west Texas and south into Mexico. What I didn't know was that they are also known as Candlewood Slimwood Coachwhip Vine Cactus Flamingsword Jacob's Staff
On our last Baja trip I think I remember seeing Ocotillo on the Gulf side. They also had this crazy Ocotillo type plant that looked like something out of Dr. Seuss.
lindaally wrote:
Should be one of the best years for wildflowers with all the rain...I'm curious to know how many rare or endangered plants live in the Anza Borrego State Park....and does the Ocotillo grow elsewhere?? Thanks. <em>edited by surfponto on 3/3/2010</em>

surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
You are right David, This guy has put in some serious time to put this together. Awesome, Bob
hikerdmb wrote:
My buddy sent me this link today. If you want to know about the wild flowers in ABDSP then check out this link. This guy has done a tremendous amount of work compiling the data you will see. It is amazing. Rainfall totals, photos, trip reports, and more!

hikerdmb Posts: 423
This part of the site
has great pics of many flowers in the park. He says not all of them but there are plenty on there to try to identify. If I had an iPhone I would be trying to figure out a way to save that page to my phone (in case I was out of cell range) and then there would be no reason to break out the book every time I wanted to know a flower. I am sure someone will know how to do this. Or maybe there is already something like this available.
surfponto Administrator Posts: 1369
Funny you should mention that but I was able to download some photos and upload them to my iPhone. I think DesertUSA made them available.
I think it covers all of the flowers and cactus blooms found in Anza Borrego.
hikerdmb wrote:
This part of the site
has great pics of many flowers in the park. He says not all of them but there are plenty on there to try to identify. If I had an iPhone I would be trying to figure out a way to save that page to my phone (in case I was out of cell range) and then there would be no reason to break out the book every time I wanted to know a flower. I am sure someone will know how to do this. Or maybe there is already something like this available.
