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Rockhouse, Jacumba Jim, Four Frogs and East Fork Messages in this topic - RSS

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Posts: 1040
As previously mentioned, was planning a three day BP trip to Boulder/Myer/Pinto Canyons but the weather wasn't cooperative. Daren suggested car camping and day hikes to side canyons off Carrizo Canyon. So, met up with Daren, Gary and Joel for some old fashion car camping and hiking. Was in the high 80's for the entire weekend but nice and cool in the evenings. Pretty sandy in Carrizo Wash at present and the 4x4 only sign is probably correct. We began at Rockhouse and worked our way up canyon. At an occupation site, I (okay, it was really the DStretch app on my phone) found some faint pictos. Lots of nice prehistory to explore.

On the way out looking toward McCain Valley from near Sweeney Pass:

McCain Valley by tomteske, on Flickr

In Rockhouse:

P1030547_yxx by tomteske, on Flickr

Mortero y Mano by tomteske, on Flickr

Rockhouse Morteros by tomteske, on Flickr

Third Eye Blind by tomteske, on Flickr

The next day we did a loop hike up Jacumba Jim Canyon to a south tributary of Four Frogs Canyon. Encountered water and a nice palm grove. Made a steep ascent out of Jacumba Jim and passed east of Al Holden Pk before descending into Four Frogs. Daren and Gary hiked down the ridge south of the canyon encountering a bunch of roasting pits while my knees told me the sandy wash was a better option.

Water in Jacumba Jim before the first large palm grove:

Water in Jacumba Jim by tomteske, on Flickr

Looking up Jacumba Jim:

Up Jacumba Jim Canyon by tomteske, on Flickr

Occupation site:

Mortero by tomteske, on Flickr

Ascending out of Jacumba Jim:

Gary and Daren Above Jacumba Jim Canyon by tomteske, on Flickr

The view from above. The confluence of Four Frogs, East Fork and Carrizo is a little to the left of the center:

Gary Above Carrizo by tomteske, on Flickr

On Sunday we headed up East Fork to Carrizo Palms. Three sheep skeletons and one owl were encountered along the way. Almost 20 miles, 4K gain/loss and a few beverage in all. Enjoy! Tom

East Fork Owl by tomteske, on Flickr

Garras Afilados Tecolote by tomteske, on Flickr
edited by tommy750 on 11/27/2017

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