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Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego

Picture for Daren Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 67

Posts: 67
I realize that this is way off topic as to Anza Borrego, but I just got back from backpacking in Northern Idaho, and I took this picture with Daren in mind.

Yes, that's bear scat! Could be Grizzley, could be black bear. I didn't witness the actual deposit so I'm not sure which. But in light of the fact that the black bears out number the grizzlies, it's a safe bet it's black bear.

This is a log that a bear has ripped open to get at the grubs.

This is a picture of Ol' Yeller. My F-250 4X4 that I keep in Idaho. It's a family heirloom, but that's another story.

Climbed Goat Mountain and backpacked at Moose Lake.
It's easy to tell why they call it Goat Mountain. Only a mountain goat woud be dumb enough to climb it.

The only things that would stay still long enough to have their pictures taken were the bees and the remarkable turquoise colored dragonfly.

I also saw a buck, and of all things, a coyote. But they weren't hanging around for portraits. No moose or bear.

Amazingly, I was all alone at Moose Lake.

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