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Cameron Valley Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 2609

Posts: 2609
Not really ABDSP but a little closer to home. Went out trying to photograph golden eagles to help document endangered wildlife to help fight the Sunrise Powerlink and some of the wind energy projects planned in the area. The eagles stayed elusive in the 97 degree heat that day but I did see vultures and hawks and some indian occupation sites.

No SPL access signs everywhere, they are already building towers near Buckman Springs road and also north into CNF on Thing Valley road

Entrance to a rock shelter that had detailed rock stacking in the back

Inside the cave, it was roomy enough for 3 people and had built in rock seats, notice the detailed rock stacking in the back wall

Here is the back wall from the outside

Scat de jour

Back of the rock shelter from a distance

This is a "Cuyamaca Oval" bedrock basin metate. It is oval and somewhat shallow, unlike the deeper, round morteros you see in the desert areas

This large boulder has both Cuyamaca Ovals and a single deep mortero

There was a lot of pottery in the area also

There was a very long rock wall at the entrance the habitation area, this is the left side

There was a very long rock wall at the entrance the habitation area, this is the right side

large boulder with many Cuyamaca Oval bedrock basin metates

Large hawk on a very distant boulder


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