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Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego

Starry Nights in Indian Valley Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 2609

Posts: 2609
I picked up an old used Minolta kit lens hoping to try and get better photos of the stars. It is a faster lens at f/1.7 but not very wide (50mm) but it definitly lets in more light and allows me to take shorter exposures and get more stars in the picture. My son also gave me an astronomy book he picked up at the thrift store, it is pretty good and I am still learning more about the stars. This is the book he got me


The stars only came out the last couple nights I was there, it had been cloudy the first 2 nights.

Here is a shot of Orion and a close up of the nebula. I am amazed at what the camera can pick up.
50mm, ISO 1600, f/1.7, 5 seconds

Here are some star trails above a peak just north of False Sombrero, this lens really lets a lot of light in!
50mm, ISO 100, f/1.7, 34 minutes

This is a still photo of the same hill and stars before the star trails picture (above). The bright star is Polaris. There sure are a lot of stars out there.
50mm, ISO 800, f/1.7, 15 seconds

Here is Mars above the Imperial Valley.
50mm, ISO 800, f/1.7, 10 seconds

Orions Belt
280mm, ISO 12800, f/5.6, 3.2 seconds

Saturn (middle), Spica (up to right).
300mm, ISO 12800, f/5.6, 1/2 second

I don't have a telescope, this is my star gazing kit


edited by dsefcik on 12/23/2011
<em>edited by dsefcik on 12/24/2011</em>


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