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Talk about a trip you took out to Anza Borrego

Mt. Laguna and Blair Valley Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 67

Posts: 67
This was a trip we took in February. But as things have slowed down due to the heat, I thought it would be good to post it now.

As I have mentioned before, my wife does not hike or camp. Her idea of roughing it is a hotel without room service. In an effort to get her more involved, I took her up to the
Laguna Lodge, and for a walk in the woods, (avoiding the word hike) on the Sunset Trail.

My wife made it about a mile and a half up the trail. I went a little further, till I could see Route 78 in the distance.

The Laguna Lodge was an excellent choice. They have modest cabins, with fireplaces. They also have satellite TV, though we never turned ours on.
We bought some firewood at the store, and watched the fire all evening.

They are also pet friendly. We thought we might have to pet sit the grandpuppy,

or in the alternative have my daughter and son-in-law join us. But it seems that after to months of seperation, (he is in the Army stationed in Korea,)
spending time with the parents wasn't what they wanted. Go figure.

There were blue jays all over the place.

We had a wonderful dinner at the Julian Grille. They are also pet friendly. The have a seperate carriage house the allows pets. Next morning we had a great breakfast
at the Pine House Cafe just down the road from the Lodge. It open Firday, Saturday, and Sunday, because the woman who owns it is from Ocean Beach.

We set off for Blair Valley after breakfast. We stopped at the overlook on Sunrise Highway.

After leaving the overlook, a bobcat crossed the road right in front of us. Too quick to get a picture.

We then dropped down to Blair Valley.

You have to excuse the pictures. My wife took them. So it's pretty much the way she sees the desert.

All in all we had a good time. Lots of good food, and a comfortable place to stay, which is important to her. And she slept almost all the way home, which means she happy.

So, I think I have had her out to Borrego 4 times now. She's seen Big Horn Sheep, and she beginning to recognize places she hears about in the news,
like Fish Creek / Split Mountain. That's her in the Land Cruiser.

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