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Indian Hill 11/30 Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 11

Posts: 11
Thanksgiving weekend I headed out to Indian Hill area for some camping and exploring. Hearing so many good things about this area mainly from posts on this forum really got me excited to make my way out for the first time.

This hike was also on my Jerry Schad bucket list so I followed the description to find the trail head. After noticing I had missed my road I made my traditional oh crap U turn. Those wind turbines can put you in a trance. So I noticed also that the description in Schads book didn't match up to the BLM roads I saw but it was easy enough to find.

Here is the Dos Cabezas railroad siding.

DSC01228 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">"

I was getting worried about a good place to camp since I didn’t really know what to expect near the trailhead. When I got to the end of the road I was relieved to see plenty of good flat areas to call home for the night.

IMG_0965 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

Brought my buddy along for this trip.

DSC01289 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

As soon as I got my camp site set up I went out for a quick hike to see if could find the blue sun cave. After about an hour ½ or so my search was unsuccessful. The sun was heading down and I had some carne asada waiting back at camp. I decided I would hit it again the following day.

Here is my first attempt at star trails.

DSC01291 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

Beautiful night.

DSC01293 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

Early Saturday I headed South across the tracks and picked up the trail leading towards the large alluvial fan.

DSC01279 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

Interesting rock variations caught my eye.

DSC01250 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

Looking southeast I think. Love the colors

DSC01276 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

Getting better at yoni hunting. Looks like one anyways

DSC01304 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

After climbing around looking for possible caves I spot my next area of exploration.

IMG_0970 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">"

My first pottery find J yes I left it there.

DSC01300 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

So after wandering around some more I finally found the fire blackened cave Shad describes. I would have found it the previous day if I had not run out of sunlight.

DSC01312 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

Very nice morteros

DSC01314 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

DSC01315 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

Alas the blue sun cave. Pretty good stuff!

DSC01328 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

DSC01319 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

A quick self portrait before heading back.

DSC01331 by schmitthappenz, on Flickr" border="0">”

Well it was a good trip overall, saw some incredible history and just love this part of the desert. See you out there friends.

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