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Ella Wash and Coyote mtn hike Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 129

Posts: 129
Drove down to the AB desert from Palm Springs and camped Tuesday night (2/25) at one of my favorite places in the northern park along Ella Wash. Someone had left a bunch half-burned half-buried 2x4s and some trash which kind of pissed me off. I cleaned up the mess as best i could and removed the wood. Smoke from a controlled burn near Cuyamaca obscured the afternoon sun a bit but made for a pretty sunset. High temp was around 80°. Nice pass of the space station high in the south after dark. Lovely calm still night with low temp around 56°. The next day i drove over to the old rock quarry near Clark dry lake and hiked up Coyote mtn. First time i've been on the summit. Great views all around. Took a very steep shortcut on the way down that probably wasn't the best idea but made it okay.

Link to flickr photos from the trip .. http://www.flickr.com/photos/fboyd/sets/72157641633770303/

Garmin track from Coyote mtn hike .. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/452030079

edited by Florian on 2/28/2014

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