Anza Borrego

Ghost Flower – Mohavea confertiflora

Mohavea confertiflora, also known as the ghost flower, is a rare and beautiful wildflower species that is native to the California, Nevada, and Arizona deserts. It is a annual plant that grows to a height of about one to two feet and produces stunning white flowers with purple or blue tinges.

The plant flowers March to April and does not produce nectar.

Ghost Flower - Mohavea confertiflora in the Anza Borrego Desert
Ghost Flower near Carrizo Creek in the Anza Borrego Desert

The ghost flower is named for its unique and striking appearance, which resembles a ghostly apparition in the desert. Its flowers have a distinctive star-like shape with five petals that are arranged in a circular pattern. The blooms appear in late spring and early summer and are known for their sweet fragrance, which attracts pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

The ghost flower is well-adapted to the extreme conditions of the Anza Borrego Desert. It has a deep root system that allows it to reach water sources deep below the soil surface, and it is able to go dormant during periods of drought, conserving resources until conditions improve. The plant also has unique adaptations to protect it from herbivores, such as spiny leaves and a bitter taste.

Desert Wildflowers of Anza Borrego 🌻

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Ghost Flower Wikipedia Page